Choose the amount and the coverage that suit you

Amount to pay
CHF 3 485.-
CHF 4 600.-
CHF 5 715.-
CHF 6 770.-
CHF 7 790.-
CHF 8 840.-
CHF 9 840.-
CHF 10 840.-
Optional + CHF 1285.- supplement for repatriation in the event of death due to illness
CHF 4 285.-
CHF 5 400.-
CHF 6 515.-
CHF 7 570.-
CHF 8 590.-
CHF 9 640.-
CHF 10 640.-
CHF 11 640.-

SéréVita, a simple and and secure commitment…

Any person residing in Switzerland can subscribe to the SéréVita funeral plan regardless of age, nationality or religious conviction.

A simple product that allows you to live with peace of mind, having anticipated the significant financial burdens for your family, linked to your own death.

A membership card is issued with all the covers subscribed to; this can be entrusted to a trusted person or legal entity, as chosen by the contracting party.

At the time of death, SéréVita SA shall immediately pay the agreed sum, together with interest, to the holder of the death certificate. The money is not used for any purpose and is entirely at the disposal of the beneficiary.

In the case of Swiss or Liechtenstein residents, in the event of death due to an accident abroad, the costs of repatriation are paid by SéréVita SA (to the place of residence in Switzerland/France or to the place of origin). In the event of death due to illness abroad, repatriation can be taken out at the conclusion of the contract for an additional fee.

General terms and conditions I’m interested!

5 reasons to place your trust in us

  • 1

    Choose your sum freely according to our price list

  • 2

    Subscribe at any time and WITHOUT a medical check-up

  • 3

    The capital is paid within 12 hours to the person of your choice, upon receipt of the death certificate

  • 4

    Data security and guarantee of the capital invested in Switzerland.

  • 5

    Reimbursement of the insured guarantee in case of permanent departure abroad

Sérévita SA - Souscription

Request for an obligation-free quotation

1Choice of the coverage amount Move the cursor to change the amount See the table of prices

3000 CHF 10000 CHF

2Choice of payment method Would you like to pay in one go or in monthly instalments?

3Repatriation options This step is optional

Total amount : CHF

The cost of a funeral: an important amount to evaluate

  • The average cost of burial in Switzerland is around CHF 7,000.–

  • The cost of cremation is around CHF 5,300.–

Cost of transport for a funeral abroad

from Geneva or Zürich

  • from CHF 2,500.- to CHF 3,500.-
    North America
  • from CHF 2,500.- to CHF 4,500.-
    South America
  • from CHF 2,750.– to CHF 3,300.–
  • from CHF 2,900.– to CHF 3,750.–
    West Africa
  • from CHF 2,500.– to CHF 4,900.–
    Middle East
  • from CHF 2,450.– to CHF 3,950.–
    Indian Ocean
  • from CHF 3,100.– to CHF 4,800.–
  • from CHF 4,300.– to CHF 5,050.–

«  I was looking for a solution to free my children from this worry when the day came. Thanks to Sérévita, I can look forward to the future with peace of mind. »

Sérévita SA - Témoignage